The Challenge:
Our client had a project that requires distribution of between 1 to 3 coolers to over 600 locations across the country. The challenge was managing 600 different delivery providers, coordinating the inbound transportation, maintaining process and controls to manage OS&D (over, short, & damage) and getting all the service providers on board to complete the delivery properly, bill the service request in a timely fashion and working closely with our client to get over 600 new vendors accurately into their system for payment.
The Solution:
Safeway Logistics offered a single point of contact solution. The client communicated their requirements and provided a spreadsheet with all the destination points. We managed our service providers and secured not to exceed rates to allow for accurate budgeting while staying within the scope of work. We worked closely with our client on the roll out schedule and Safeway Logistics managed every detail of the delivery coordination and execution.
The Results:
The program was a huge success. Over 600 locations delivered as scheduled by our service providers throughout the United States. Each provider worked diligently to receive the product and completed the OS&D procedure as outlined in the scope of work. During each scheduled delivery, our team set equipment in place, along with racking installed as required and lastly plugged into power. Each delivery was completed with the debris removal and photo was taken of the equipment in place showing a recorded temperature. Thus, validating that the product was cooling as required. We then provided documentation including a signed POD, confirming the product was successfully delivered, damage free and on time. This project was perfectly managed without a single service failure of any kind.